S03.E07: Pauline's Story - My 600-lb Life

Pauline is a disgusting human being. The lies, using crocodile tears to get out of being held accountable, having her son take care of her, refusing to walk after surgery when it's vital to progress, etc. There's so much that can be said about how horrible she is but you all have covered it.

Pauline is a disgusting human being. The lies, using crocodile tears to get out of being held accountable, having her son take care of her, refusing to walk after surgery when it's vital to progress, etc. There's so much that can be said about how horrible she is but you all have covered it.

I wonder if Pauline even knows how to cook? The only thing I saw her do was grill a slab of meat on a Foreman grill in the living room, I think? She's so gross. It might not be Penny's pee/poop bed but it's still gross. She also makes the same annoying noises Penny makes when those mean people make her stand up and attempt to walk.

I understand having childhood trauma can affect you for the rest of your life, but I believe Pauline is just a bitch. She's mean, self-absorbed, a liar, and lazy as all hell.

What I found the most disturbing watching last night was that Dillon rarely spoke. He seems to internalize a lot of the abuse his mother heaps on him. He needs serious psychological counseling or he will snap. I can't believe she's okay with her adult/teenage son seeing her in her big ass panties/bras and helping with her bed baths. That's fucking sick. She's an asshole. Then she had the nerve to say that she thinks she might have ruined Dillon's life. There's no might about it! You have ruined his life, you dumb bitch!

I hope next week is a person who actually wants to change. Pauline made me stabby.

Edited February 19, 2015 by RedKoolAide

