The couple shared a sneak peek of their Ganpati festivities on Instagram. The initial image in the photo collection displayed the handmade deity seated on a decorated throne adorned with marigolds. Additionally, the couple presented Bappa with his preferred cuisine. The subsequent photo featured the couple alongside Ayushmann's mother. Another snapshot captured the couple attired in ethnic attire, standing before their deity with folded hands. The final image was a full-length portrait of the couple. View this post on Instagram
Sharing the picture, he wrote, "Celebrating the eco way with the most friendly God. May He bless everyone with love and abundance." At the occasion, Ayushmann adorned a three-piece traditional attire comprising a kurta, pyjama, and a matching bandi. Tahira appeared gorgeous in a sleeveless blouse paired with a blush pink saree.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Ayushmann Khurrana was recently seen in Dream Girl 2 alongside Ananya Panday.
See Also: Alia Bhatt’s festive look has us taking notes this Ganesh Chaturthi
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