What settings and equipment do top Apex Legends players use? Shroud, Dizzy, Dr Disrespect and more

Trying to up your game in Apex Legends? Following the set-ups of the best players in the world might give somewhat of an edge, even if your talent isnt up to the same levels. Top Apex Legends players operate on a level that is someways above the average joe who drops into a casual game

Trying to up your game in Apex Legends? Following the set-ups of the best players in the world might give somewhat of an edge, even if your talent isn’t up to the same levels. 

Top Apex Legends players operate on a level that is someways above the average joe who drops into a casual game or two every day or so. 

Former professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek may not play the game at a competitive level, but tune into one of his streams and you’ll see why he’s regarded as one of – if not the best – battle royale player in the world. 

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Respawn EntertainmentHaving three players still isn’t enough to stop shroud.

Thanks to ProSettings, a website that tracks the set-ups of all popular Twitch streamers and competitive players, shroud’s in-game settings have been revealed. 

Trying your hardest to be like him in-game is a difficult task. However, you can do your best to replicate his skills by following his settings. Let’s take a look at them…

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ELEAGUEThe former CS:GO pro dominates more or less every game he touches.


The former Cloud9 pro uses a game sensitivity of three, while his aim down sights sensitivity is lower – at one. His pal, and fellow streamer, Dr Disrespect also follows shroud in using a game sensitivity of three.

The Doc also uses an aim down sights sensitivity of one, meaning they are more or less perfectly in-sync with their set-ups. 

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However, NRG Apex Legends pro Coby ‘dizzy’ Meadows slightly differs from the pair. His game sensitivity comes in at a lower number of 2.5, while his aim down sights sensitivity is the same – at one. 

Respawn EntertainmentShroud and The Doc form a deadly duo in battle royale titles.


Shroud is decked out in HyperX peripherals like his his keyboard, mouse pad and headphones. However, he uses a Logitech mouse – similar to how Dizzy does, but using a wireless version compared to the NRG pros wired mouse. 

The Doc’s partnership with Razer means he’s using their keyboard and mouses instead of shroud’s HyperX and Logitech combo. However, it’s not fully advisable to go out and splash the cash trying to become the next shroud.

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Apex Legends players rejoice at downfall of “cheating” config users

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Field of vision

The Field of Vision [FOV] setting can be a big thing for gamers as to what they can see on-screen during a game at any point. This allows them to see – or in some cases, not – see enemies based on their FOV setting. 

Unforuntately, ProSettings does not list either shroud’s or Dr Disrespect’s FOV setting. However, Dizzy’s is listed at 110 – the same number as his teammate KingRichard and Rogue pro Jordan ‘HusKers’ Thomas. 

Respawn, Game RantUsing Bloodhound won’t help your vision if your FOV is too small.

Both shroud and Dizzy use a BenQ XL2546 monitor, a popular choice between streamers – as it is also used by shroud’s pal and former CS:GO teammate, Tyler ‘Skadoddle’ Latham. 

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The Doc opts for a different monitor –  an ASUS PG258Q. It’s the other popular choice for streamers like FaZe Clan Fortnite pro Turner ‘Tfue’ Tenney, fomrer Overwatch league pro Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel and Dizzy’s NRG teammate KingRichard. 

It is always good to know the exact settings that are being used by some of the very best, but it’s probably best to just try and improve your in-game mechanics. 

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Time and practice is a better option than heading out and spending all your money on a brand new set-up, particularly if you’re new to the game. 

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