REXBURG, Idaho (CBS 2) - Official spring semester enrollment totals at Brigham Young University-Idaho show growth among the university's total population of students who are continuing to pursue their academic goals.
Statistics released for the Spring 2019 Semester show a total campus enrollment of 15,422 students.
In addition to this number, 4,966 campus-based students are taking online courses or fulfilling internships away from campus, for a total of 20,388 campus-based students furthering their academic pursuits, a .7 percent increase over last spring’s enrollment of 20,246.
Online courses have allowed for enrollment growth without students having to be on campus.
This semester, the campus student body consists of 7,701 male students and 7,721 female students, a nearly 50/50 split.
The total number of married students is 4,160, comprising 27 percent of the total campus student population.
Enrollment in BYU-Idaho’s online courses also continues to grow rapidly.
The number of online students for the Spring 2019 Semester is 10,691, an increase of 11.2 percent over last spring’s comparable online student enrollment of 9,615.
Continued growth in enrollment can be attributed, in large part, to BYU-Idaho’s unique educational emphasis.
This includes: the teaching focus of its faculty, the opportunity to gather with other students who share common values, the university’s focus on real-world preparation, and the high-value educational experience offered.
BYU-Idaho is student focused by design.