SVU's Octavio Pisano Talks Joe-Kathleen Theory

It's perhaps the biggest investigation of all. Do detectives date? While the track record for detectives dating other detectives(or captains) in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit's 23-year history, is, well, not the greatest, the Internet has posed an interesting question: What about a detective and somebody who isn't a member of the NYPD's finest?Enter,

It's perhaps the biggest investigation of all. Do detectives date?

While the track record for detectives dating other detectives (or captains) in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit's 23-year history, is, well, not the greatest, the Internet has posed an interesting question: What about a detective and somebody who isn't a member of the NYPD's finest? Enter, SVU Detective Joe Velasco and Elliot Stabler's daughter, Kathleen. 

It's easy to see why the ship, dubbed "Joleen" by fans on Twitter, has taken off in popularity online. Joe and Kathleen are two beloved characters, both in a similar age bracket, and based on their appearances in their respective Law & Order shows, both appear to be single. 

So, in an investigation all our own, E! News went right to the source, asking actor Octavio Pisano what he thought of the Internet's latest pairing.

"I've asked a couple people, [but] I'm not really good on Twitter," he told E! News. "So when I do go on there, it's just to post something I have on my mind, but when I try to find what people are talking about, I get lost in the comments."

