Director Lokesh Kanagaraj, known for the success of Leo starring Vijay, is preparing to direct superstar Rajinikanth in the upcoming film Thalaivar 171. Kanagaraj signed up to collaborate with Rajinikanth while filming Leo. Currently, Rajinikanth is occupied with Vettaiyan, directed by DJ Gnanavel, which is expected to conclude in a month.
After Vettaiyan, Rajinikanth has committed to Thalaivar 171 with Lokesh Kanagaraj. During the promotion of Fight Club, Kanagaraj revealed that the upcoming movie is an action thriller. He plans to finalise the script within two to three months, with filming scheduled to commence in April.
Kanagaraj acknowledged Rajinikanth's consistent involvement, closely monitoring the film's progress. Despite efforts to maintain secrecy, Rajinikanth seemed to grasp any alterations promptly. Additionally, Kanagaraj revealed that the upcoming film will feature more action sequences, marking Rajinikanth's return to intense action scenes. Rajinikanth expressed enthusiasm, stating that the script intrigued him, relishing the prospect of exploring a genre he hasn't ventured into before.
“I hesitate to announce a release date for my upcoming Rajinikanth film to avoid undue pressure on the production schedule. Quality is my priority, and I need sufficient time to ensure it”, Kanagaraj disclosed. Responding to feedback regarding the second half of Leo, he acknowledged the significance of constructive criticism in shaping his future endeavours.
Scheduled to begin filming in April 2024, Lokesh Kanagaraj has announced a break from social media and his mobile to focus entirely on the upcoming project. In a heartfelt letter, he extended gratitude to the audience for their unwavering support since his debut.
Sun Pictures is set to produce Thalaivar 171, directed and scripted by Lokesh Kanagaraj, featuring music composed by Anirudh Ravichander. Expected to release in January or the summer of 2025, Kanagaraj clarified that the film will stand as an independent project and won't be part of his broader cinematic universe (LCU).
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