Starting pay for Idaho teachers raised to $40,000

BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) On Wednesday Governor Brad Little signed into law House Bill 153 increasing starting teacher pay to $40,000 per year by 2021. Right now the current minimum teacher salary for Idaho teachers is $35,800.

On Wednesday Governor Brad Little signed into law House Bill 153 increasing starting teacher pay to $40,000 per year by 2021.

Right now the current minimum teacher salary for Idaho teachers is $35,800.

The bill provides funding for increases on the first three "residency rungs" of the state's "career ladder".

Gov. Little says this bill is part of his overreaching goal of making sure Idahoans stay in Idaho.

"This bill does two things it sends a signal. It sends a monetary signal, an economic signal but it also sends a political signal about how important this is," Gov. Little said. "Those are things young high school students who are trying to decide what they want to do, what profession they want to go into need to know. That A we honor this profession and B we think it's worthy of the kind of compensation it ought to have. We have a long way to go."

Teachers, education officials and advocates stood by Gov. Little as he signed the bill into law. Many held signs that stated "Thank you Governor Little."

He and others called the bill a good first step in recruiting and retaining quality teachers.

"Education once again has been a priority for Idahoans, a priority for the governor, a priority for the legislature," Superintendent of Public Instruction Sherri Ybarra said. "We've very excited once again this session to have that support and to have that starting salary for Idahoans teachers have a four in front of it. Just a great day for educators."

According to the fiscal note the projected total fiscal impact after two-year implementation is $11,462,151.

