Other day with the makers of Superstar Rajnikanth’s Jailer releasing a special poster of milky siren Tamannaah Bhatia announcing the arrival of the first song from the film, fans of this spicy seductress got excited. And they are looking forward to seeing if this hyped ‘Kaavalaa’ song is going to be that ‘Oo Antava’ type of success for the actress.
If the newly released lyrical video of the song is anything to go by, the song has a charming tune composed by Anirudh but that doesn’t promise an instant super hit like Oo Antava.
While the female singer’s rendition is quite captivating for that oomph factor in her tone, Tamanaah looked quite regular with that routine glamour treat she offers. Also, the actress’ new plump look may not be the favourite of even some of her admirers. And then Rajnikanth is also looking routine in his Jailer avatar.
What caught the attention is this special BGM part socred by Anirudh, which has Tamannaah doing a flute step choreographed by Jani Master. This particular area of the song is pretty interesting and that dance move might go viral on the internet provided the fact that many social media influencers often love to repeat such catchy steps and make reels that get millions of views.