As fans worldwide celebrate the birthday of the legendary Telugu actor Jr NTR, a special treat awaited them as his blockbuster film “Simhadri” was re-released today. The iconic movie, directed by the maestro SS Rajamouli, mesmerized audiences upon its release and continues to hold a special place in the hearts of cinephiles.
On this auspicious occasion, Rajamouli’s family members and Keeravani’s family joined the fans for a special screening at Sudarshan Theatre, rekindling the nostalgia and reliving the magic of “Simhadri.”
To commemorate Jr NTR’s birthday and the enduring popularity of “Simhadri,” a special re-release of the film was organized. The screening, attended by Rajamouli’s wife, Rama; Keeravani’s wife, Srivalli, Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya, Keeravani’s son Kala Bhairava, and their family members and friends created a nostalgic and joyous atmosphere at Sudarshan theatre.
Tags Rajamouli Rama Rajamouli Simhadri re release