Deepika Padukone started 2023 with a bang indeed. The actress who has delivered a blockbuster with Pathaan has several big-budget films lined up for this year and the next. One of them is Nag Ashwin's Project K which also features Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan in prominent roles. View this post on Instagram
On the occasion of Mhashivratri today, Deepika Padukone took to social media to share the release date of the ambitious film. The film is slated to release on January 12, 2024. She captioned the post with, “ðÂÂÂðÂÂÂ-ðÂÂÂ-ðÂÂÂð ð¢ð ð¢ð¬! #ðÂÂÂð«ð¨ð£ðÂÂÂðÂÂÂðÂÂðÂÂÂ. Happy Mahashivratri. #Prabhas @SrBachchan @deepikapadukone @nagashwin7 @VyjayanthiFilms."
Earlier on Deepika's birthday, the makers released the first motion picture of Deepika's look from the movie too, not revealing too much. It is one of the most highly-anticipated films to come.
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