Healer's Lore (PHB 61) adds your WIS modifier to any healing using a cleric power with the healing keyword.
Beacon of Hope (PHB 64) adds +5 to all of your healing powers for the duration of the encounter.
When a cleric activates Melora's Tide, how do these features interact?
A) Neither Healer's Lore nor Beacon of Hope affect the regeneration from Melora's Tide. The target gains Regen 2.
B) Healer's Lore & Beacon of Hope have an instantaneous effect, once, as soon as Melora's Tide is used. THus, a cleric with 16 WIS and Beacon of Hope running would instantly heal 8 HP (3 + 5) on the target, then the regeneration would kick in.
C) Healer's Lore and Beacon of Hope impact the regeneration every round. Thus, the target would gain regen 2 + 3 + 5 = 10.
D) Something else.
Melora's Tide is a cleric power and has the healing keyword. Regeneration per the PHB is "a special kind of healing."
Thanks for your assistance!
Page Number: Feat (198), Power (64)
Book Name: 4E PHB