Twelve Month Spread

ThistwelvemonthTarot spreadis a great way to get a snapshot or timeline of events for the upcoming twelvemonths.It can be used as a generalTarot spreadorused for a specific topic such aslove, relationships, career, money, traveletc. For thoselearning how to read Tarot, it isalso a greatlearning toolas it isasimple and easyTarot spreadthat you can practice with.

  • Month 1 (current)
  • Month 2
  • Month 3
  • Month 4
  • Month 5
  • Month 6
  • Month 7
  • Month 8
  • Month 9
  • Month 10
  • Month 11
  • Month 12
  • Overall Year
  • This twelve month Tarot spread is a great way to get a snapshot or timeline of events for the upcoming twelve months. It can be used as a general Tarot spread or used for a specific topic such as love, relationships, career, money, travel etc. For those learning how to read Tarot, it is also a great learning tool as it is a simple and easy Tarot spread that you can practice with. 

    Want to learn more Tarot spreads? Continue to the Celtic Cross Spread

